Preventative Dentistry

Dental cleaning in star valley

Cleanings and Prevention

Preventative dental care is important throughout your life, no matter your age. By practicing good oral hygiene at home and scheduling regular checkups with your dentist, you can help keep your smile bright and healthy for many years to come. Here are a few simple ways that you can prevent the build-up of plaque and cavities:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Use fluoride toothpaste to remove food particles and plaque from the tooth surfaces. Also be sure to brush the top surface of your tongue, this will remove any extra plaque causing food particles, and help keep your breath fresh!

  • Clean between your teeth by flossing at least once a day. You can also use a mouthwash to help kill bacteria and freshen your breath. Decay-causing bacteria can linger between teeth where toothbrush bristles can't reach. Floss and mouthwash will help remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth and under the gum line.

Cosmetic dentistry in Thayne Wyoming

Cosmetic Dentistry

Your smile is one of your most important features. Dentistry is continuously evolving and with a variety of advanced treatment options, achieving a beautiful, healthy, aesthetic smile is made easy for patients of all ages.

Are you ready for a Smile Makeover?

If you're considering cosmetic dental treatment, ask yourself a few simple questions:

  • Do you hesitate when you smile?

  • Would you like to increase your self-confidence?

  • Do you want to look your best in social or professional situations?

  • Are you ready to reverse any dental imperfections you may have?

If you've answered yes to any of these questions, cosmetic dentistry may be the answer you're looking for!

Cosmetic Dentistry is an Art and a Science.

Let us help you achieve your smile goals! Cosmetic dentistry is different from general dental care; it is both an art and science. By providing cosmetic dental care, your dentist is able to offer smile enhancement, restoration, and maintenance treatments for optimal dental health. Using cutting-edge techniques and advanced materials, our office proudly offers you a beautiful, natural smile and all the benefits that come with it.

Feel more confident about your appearance with a new smile that is as beautiful as it is healthy. You no longer have to suffer from missing, chipped, discolored, or crooked teeth. Contact our practice today and schedule your smile makeover!

sealant on tooth


Sometimes brushing is not enough, especially when it comes to those hard-to-reach spots in your mouth. It's difficult for your toothbrush to get in between the small cracks and grooves on your teeth. If left alone, those tiny areas can develop tooth decay. Sealants give your teeth extra protection against decay and  help prevent cavities.

Dental sealants are a plastic resin that bonds and hardens in the deep grooves on your tooth's surface. When a tooth is sealed, the tiny grooves become smooth and are less likely to harbor plaque. With sealants, brushing your teeth becomes easier and more effective.

 Sealants are typically applied to children's teeth as a preventative measure after the permanent teeth have 

erupted as a way to prevent tooth decay. However, adults can also receive sealants on healthy teeth. It is more common to seal permanent teeth rather than baby teeth, but every patient has unique needs, and your dentist will recommend sealants on a case-by-case basis.

Children dentistry in star valley


Fluoride is effective in preventing cavities and tooth decay by coating your teeth and preventing plaque from building up and hardening on the tooth's surface. Fluoride comes in two varieties, topical and systemic:

Topical fluoride is applied directly to the tooth and includes toothpastes and mouth rinses.

Systemic fluorides are generally only used by your dentist and are not often available for at-home use. Systemic fluoride treatments are generally designed to help protect the oral health of children undergoing dental procedures. Fluoride used in the dentist/orthodontists office is often a much stronger concentration than in toothpaste or mouthwash, but is available at some drug stores or pharmacy (ask your dentist before purchasing professional strength fluoride).


Using the most advanced dental technology possible is just as important as staying up-to-date on the latest treatment techniques. Because our practice is dedicated to providing you with the safest and most convenient treatment options available, we utilize advanced digital X-ray technology in our office.

Digital X-rays provide several advanced imaging options designed to save time, provide clearer dental photos, and expose patients to less radiation than with traditional X-ray technology.

Our practice is focused on making your dental experience as comfortable as possible. At your next appointment, we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have.



Whether you wear braces or not, protecting your smile while playing sports is essential. Injuries to the mouth and jaw are some of the most common  injuries received by athletes.  Mouthguards help protect your teeth and gums. If you participate in basketball, boxing, hockey, football, gymnastics,  lacrosse, martial arts, racquetball, rugby, track and field, skateboarding, skiing and snowboarding, skydiving, soccer, surfing, volleyball, water polo,  weightlifting or wrestling, it is recommended by the American Dental Association that you wear a mouthguard.

Types of Mouthguards  

Choosing the right mouthguard is important. There are three basic types of mouthguards: the pre-made mouthguard, the "boil and bite" fitted mouthguard and a custom-made mouthguard. When you choose a mouthguard, be sure to pick one that is tear-resistant, well fitted for your mouth and easy to keep clean. Also make sure it does not prevent you from breathing properly during use. If you wear braces or a retainer, it is imperative for you to wear a mouthguard. Your dentist can show you how to wear a mouthguard properly and how to choose the right mouthguard to protect your smile.

Taking Care of Your Mouthguard

Similar to a retainer, braces, or any other special dental appliance, it is important to take care of your mouthguard by storing it properly and keeping it clean. You should also know when to replace your old mouthguard with a new one. Here are a few simple ways to keep your mouthguard clean and working correctly:

  • Gently scrub your mouthguard after each use with a toothbrush and toothpaste.

  • Store your mouthguard in a protective case.

  • Do not leave your mouthguard in the sun or in hot water; it may melt or become deformed.

  • Replace your mouthguard at the beginning of every new sports season. You should also replace your mouthguard if you notice it has become worn and no longer fits properly.

  • Do not wear a retainer with your mouthguard. If you wear braces, your dentist will help design a mouthguard to protect your teeth and your braces.

  • Do not chew on or cut pieces off of your mouthguard.

  • Bring your mouthguard to each dental checkup, and your dentist can check to make sure it's still in good shape.

Our goal is to help minimize your chances of a sports related injury. Be sure to ask us about mouth guards at your next dental checkup!